Friday, January 21, 2011

Four Book Donation Set For Brittannian Ship

We've added a four book set of locations to buy items to donate for the new ship available only from the Britain Library donations.
You can find these books on the first floor. I'll be added a few more books to the set for stealable book locations soon.
For now, There are two books with locations for fishers to buy fishing poles, fish, and fishsteaks and two books for places to purchase books to donate.
[Please realize empty/blank books are not donations, only the full books found in npc building bookcases and for sale on the provisioners are on the donation list. These books are a whitish color and a brownish color.]

Saturday, January 8, 2011

We've recieved our township!!

Come take a stop by and check it out!
Thanks to Mesanna and Bennu!